Light of the World - John 8:12-30


Lent is a soul-stretching season of self-reflection, when we intentionally cease from trying to paper over the cracks of our brokenness, choosing instead to let the light of Christ shine into the darkness of our own hearts. 

In Scripture, darkness is a symbol for the fallen state of humanity. Envy, lust, murder, pride, greed, idolatry, legalism, corruption; sin. This has been the human problem ever since Eden. Darkness is deceptive. It promises to conceal our sin, cover our shame, and convince others of our spiritual health. All the while, darkness disorients us, convincing us that the light is unsafe and that our secret sins and shameful brokenness are better left concealed, unseen, undealt with. That is why Adam and Eve withdrew from God after they disobeyed, attempting to hide themselves in darkness and away from the light. 

Yet, into those dark places Jesus proclaims, “I am the light of the world. I am the light that overcomes the darkness.” He has seen our darkness firsthand and does not shy away from it. He is not afraid of it. To those disoriented by the darkness, wearied with despair, depression, addiction, or even those blinded by their own self-righteousness, Christ has come as the light that gives life. He is the light of the world, sufficient for all people in every place; sufficient to illuminate our dark places and bring true righteousness and healing. 

Beloved, during this season of Lent, don’t paper over the cracks of your brokenness. Entrust your darkness, whatever it is, to the One whose light overwhelms the darkness. 

Eric McPherson
Potomac Ave Community

Questions to Ponder:

  1. Can you name two ways you “paper over “the cracks of your brokenness? 

  2. What are some practices you can put in place to help you live openly and authentically in Jesus’ light? 

  3. Why is it so hard to trust Jesus with our brokenness?