We are so grateful for the many who serve at RHC. Our Sunday Gatherings couldn't happen without the sacrificial service of our members. We've covenanted to be obligated to one another and to "support the church sacrificially in service and finance."
Below are a few ways you can serve. Consider your gifts or where you need to be stretched and reach out to the Deacon of that team about how you can join the team. If you would like and are willing, you can serve in multiple areas. For example, you can greet the first Sunday of the month, and serve in Kids Worship during the third Sunday. Or set up before service and pray for others during communion at the end of service.
If there are other ways you'd like to help that aren't on this list, reach out to us here.
Kids Worship
Position Details
Each week we have a number of kids, ages 0-11 who need to be cared for and taught during our worship service. If you would be willing to help out one time per month in this area and teach kids about the richness of the gospel, please apply here.
Members only. Background check required.
Worship Band
Worship through song is an essential part of our weekly worship service. If you are a musician or a vocalist and would like to use your gifting on our worship team please apply here.
Audition & CG attendance required.
Welcome Team
The RHC Welcome Team works to create an environment where everyone who comes to the gathered worship service will be welcomed with friendly warmth and worship in a place free of unnecessary distractions. In preparing the communion elements and welcoming people in, they are the front line of our commitment to Gracious Hospitality. Their smiles and welcoming presence are the first point of contact for new visitors as they step into a church, which can be intimidating for many. In providing reassurance and a loving welcome begins to give people a taste of God's love for them. If you have a heart to welcome people into God's family, let us know you're interested in serving here.
Tech Team
This behind the scenes ministry is vital to RHC, enabling all of us who attend the Sunday worship service to hear and see what God has for us each week. Do you have experience in this area or would you like to learn? Sign-up here.
Security Team
Each week it takes a dedicated group of individuals who provide their time and talents to Redemption Hill Church’s Security Team in order to ensure the safety of the congregation. Let us know you can help here.
Background check required.