


 It all starts with Jesus. He is the Head of His Church. The rest of us are Christians who love Him and follow Him. We have formal leadership structures that advance Jesus' mission among His people. These include Elders, Deacons, and Members. The senior leadership of Redemption Hill Church is vested in the Elders, men who are both paid and unpaid Pastors and Elders who follow the leading of Jesus who is the Senior Pastor. To be considered as an elder, a man must have been called by God into leadership at Redemption Hill Church and be a man of the highest Christian character according to the qualifications of Scripture. The Elders lead and care for our members and set the vision for RHC. 

  • Caleb Graff

  • Rich Kang

  • Joel Kornegay

  • Bill Riedel

  • Oliver Wright

Titus 2 Team

Throughout its history, the church has recognized that women have particular gifts with which to serve the body of Christ. Redemption Hill Church has formed a team of spiritually mature, godly women. They assist the pastors and elders, particularly in their pastoral care for the women of Redemption Hill Church. This group is called the Titus 2 Team. You can contact the Titus 2 Team by email at titus2team@redemptionhilldc.org.

  • Liz Costello

  • Laura Kornegay

  • Kellyn Pearson

  • Alissa Riedel


Deacons are officially commissioned servants of Redemption Hill Church who exist to serve the church and the body of believers.

  • Andrew & Tatum Foote, Kids Worship

  • Lauren Herring, Welcome Team

  • Rich Kang, Treasurer

  • Jordan Mitchell, Mercy Ministry

  • Jill Nyhus, Prayer Team