our values
Redemption Hill Church exists to glorify God through gospel-centered worship, gospel-shaped community, and gospel-driven mission.
in DC as it is in heaven.
Local Ministry
Redemption Hill Church will gather people to worship and will equip people to respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ, empowered by the Spirit to join God in His good work in DC and throughout the DMV.
Global Ministry
Redemption Hill Church will endeavor to make an impact by sending people who have been transformed by the gospel to invest into local churches throughout the world. We will invest in church planting with a particular focus on global and capital cities.
Core Values
Gracious Hospitality
Redemption Hill is a family that graciously welcomes people into loving community. At its core the gospel is a celebration that welcomes all people into the family of God through Jesus Christ. Redemption Hill is a family that is generous, thoughtful, and warm, welcoming people into community and celebrating God’s grace together.
unity without uniformity
Redemption Hill is a community made more beautiful by its diversity. The transcultural gospel of Jesus Christ shapes Redemption Hill into a community of people from a diversity of backgrounds, socio-economic positions, neighborhoods, regions, political ideologies, and ethnicities – all woven together into a beautiful tapestry. We are closed-handed on matters of biblical orthodoxy, but open-handed and generous on non-essentials that otherwise might divide. In all things our identity is in Jesus Christ.
Empowered Members
Redemption Hill is committed to intentionally equip members of the church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, to do the work of ministry. Redemption Hill equips and resources members to pursue their passions and gifts as they join Jesus on His mission in our city. Ministry at Redemption Hill is deeply contextualized and reliant on the Holy Spirit to wake up sleepy Christians, save nominal Christians, and reach lost people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Reach & Reflect DC
DC is filled with people who bear God’s image and likeness. With our eyes set on the portrait of Jesus’ throne, where people from every tribe, tongue, and nation are gathered to worship Him, Redemption Hill will work to Reach DC, trusting that the church will naturally and more beautifully Reflect DC. DC is filled with both beauty and brokenness. Our dream is to see the people and culture of this place, celebrating it and entering in where we can, while working to glorify God in word and deed with practices rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
As we clarify and sharpen our missional focus and work out of our Core Values we believe that Gracious Hospitality, Unity without Uniformity, and Empowered Members will lead to greater effectiveness to Reach DC and to Reflect DC, praying that God will give us a glimpse of the all people call and truth of Jesus’ gospel.