Week 5: Hope in God's Eternal Plan

Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen how God answers our anxious thoughts, draws us near in our loneliness, is sovereign over all things, and sees us in our suffering. We hope you have been encouraged and drawn ever closer to Him through these things! We’re ending our series in HOPE- Hope for His Eternal Plan that began before the earth was even created and continues when we’re with Him in the new heavens and earth.

Write out a list of ways you find hope in God and share it with some girls from your Community Group or other friend circles. How can you use the things that God has taught you to encourage others around you?

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Redemption Hill Church
Week 4: God Sees Us in Suffering

This week, we're reminding ourselves that God Sees Us in Suffering. We all suffer at some point in our lives and no matter how bad it is or isn't, it always sucks. Not many of us can say we've willingly suffered for anything, but Christ came to earth as a man to willingly suffer and die for our sin. Through that death, we were granted the privilege of becoming coheirs with Him and no longer have to suffer fruitlessly.

In what ways have you suffered in life thus far? How have you seen God at work through your suffering?

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Redemption Hill Church
Week 3: Control and God's Good Will

It was easier to trust God last year- before the pandemic, economic recession, and realization of our deep racial injustice. Giving up control and resting in God’s good will is hard right now. Our faith muscles are being stretched in ways they’ve never been stretched before. But what we fail to understand is that we had just as much lack of control last year as we do this year and God is still good, even when can’t see the full story.

Romans 8:24b-25 reminds us: Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

What things in life are you trying to control? Ask God to help you give up those things so you can rest in His sovereignty.

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Redemption Hill Church
Week 2: Loneliness and God's Nearness

Loneliness can feel crushing. Maybe you're the only friend not married. Or the only one with kids. Maybe you've experienced something that no one else can relate to, or it just seems like no one takes an interest in you.

We are reminded that Christ has walked before us in all things- including loneliness. He spent weeks out in the wilderness, His friends abandoned Him, He cried out to God on the cross in lament with His feelings isolation. Yet we, like Christ, have been given the Spirit. We are never alone and God promises to draw near to us, especially when we feel lowly. We have a great High Priest who not only sympathizes with us, but seeks us out to be near Him.

How are you reminded of His nearness and friendship with you today?

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Week 1: Anxious Thoughts and God's Peace

We begin our mini-series on a topic that all of us have been struggling with throughout this pandemic: anxious thoughts and God’s peace. Scripture doesn’t shy away from this topic but instead, we see how God invites us to bring our anxious thoughts to Him and rest in His peace. We invite you to meditate on, listen, read, share, and save the following resources. What does resting in God’s peace look like for you right now?

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Hello and Introduction!

We're excited to announce that we have created a five-week mini-series of resources surrounding a different theme each week, all of which have to do with things that have been challenging during this pandemic season. These resources are meant to encourage, help shift your gaze, and strengthen your love of Jesus in practical ways, so use them as you'd like.

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