It's hard to stop listening to someone sharing gossip about someone else, but we hate to discover that others have been gossiping about us. How do we know when we're gossiping and why is it so devastating when we do? Pastor Bill explains.
Read MorePastor Bill begins a series of videos reviewing the list of elder qualifications. For the first video, he explores the gift of hospitality and how we as individuals and a church can be generous with our time, talents, and treasures with others in our city.
Read MorePastor Bill talks through tongues and prophecy in the church.
Read MorePastor Bill explains what cessationism is and if Redemption Hill Church falls within its spectrum.
Read MorePastor Bill discusses the basics of our free will and God's sovereignty.
Read MoreWhy does Redemption Hill Church celebrate communion every week?
Read MoreIn this video, Pastor Bill shares some thoughts on what dating ought to look like for Christians.
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